December Luncheon at Cancuun Mexican Grill
Guest Speakers Julie Pingston and Melissa Nay of Lansing Tourism to discuss opportunities for local businesses and an update on our Lansing partners

Julie Pingston, CDME, CMP, CTA is the President & CEO of Choose Lansing. She has been with the organization for 31 years and became President and CEO in March 2020. Julie started her career with the U.S. Travel & Tourism Administration within the Department of Commerce in Washington, D.C.
Julie leads the Choose Lansing team toward the mission to positively impacting our community’s Quality of Life by developing the region as a visitor destination. The region typically welcomes over 5.3 million visitors annually generating over $682 million to the local economy. Choose Lansing promotes to meeting and sport event planners as well as to all types of travelers seeking to experience the diverse opportunities our community offers.

Melissa Nay joined the GLCVB as Membership Manager in September of 2018. Responsible for all 570 plus #LoveLansing hotel, attraction, restaurant and hospitality business members that the GLCVB interact with daily. During the Pandemic Melissa took on running and teaching the Certified Tourism Ambassador program as well as community relations through the bureau. Prior to this position, Melissa was Director of Corporate Development for WKAR on MSU Campus and prior to that Key Account Specialist at the Lansing State Journal. Melissa graduated with a BA in Adverting and Communication from Michigan State University in 1999.
Melissa has been an active member of the Lansing Community for many years serving on numerous boards and committees. Currently she serves on board of directors for Impression 5 Science Center, Delta Waverly Rotary Club as President Elect, and University Club of MSU and serves on various committees with the following organizations LCC Alumni Committee, Delta Waverly Rotary Club, MABA, Grand Ledge Chamber, Mason Chamber, Delta Side Business Assoc, South Lansing Business Association, Wharton Center NextGen Committee, Downtown Lansing Inc., Child & Family Charities, Board of Water & Light, and more. Melissa is a past board member with Mason Public Schools Foundation and past Board Chair of ATHENA WIN.
$15.00 - Members (Early Registration Deadline December 16th)
$20.00 - Non/Future Members (& Members registering after December 16th )
$20.00 - Registration at the Door (Members and Non Members)
Register now for our Luncheon.
Our monthly luncheons are your opportunity to grow both your network and business knowledge. Please join us for this event that offers opportunities to connect with local and regional members, and up-to-date information on all things on business and community.
Registration & Open Networking 11:30AM - 12:00PM
Luncheon Program 12:00PM - 1:00PM