💲 $300 per 3 person team
Includes: 18 hole scramble, morning hors d'oeuvres, catered lunch, games, prizes & open bar.
Teams encouraged to dress-up in Happy Gilmore theme
Non-player guests are welcome to join the fun for $50 (Includes lunch & open bar).
Main Event Sponsor (1 Available)
•Your business signage at the Main entry photo ops station
•Your business decorates 1 simulator in the event theme. •Awards will be given to the best decorated simulator.
•Your business signage at the simulator
•Includes 2 threesome teams
•Business Name announced during the event
•Recognition on Facebook and the March/April newsletter
•Ability to place business materials at the event
Open Bar Sponsor - $250 (2 Available)
•Your business signage at the bar
•Includes 1 threesome team
•Business Name announced during the event & Facebook
•Ability to place business materials at the event
Simulator Sponsor - $500 (3 Available)
•Your business decorates 1 simulator in the event theme. •Awards will be given to the best decorated simulator.
•Your business signage at the simulator
•Includes 1 threesome team
•Business Name announced during the event
•Recognition on Facebook and the March/April newsletter
•Ability to place business materials at the event
Table Top Sponsor - $100 (6 Available)
•Your business information on a guest table
•Recognition on our Facebook page